Saturday, September 21, 2013


Birhtday party, 69 years young. Sue made carrot cake. Friends and neighbors joined us for the occasion.

Happy Birthday.

We attended the Kasa Vubu ward in a rented building. Technically Samuel Tshimanga, the Bishop, claims us as his ward members because his boundaries include our building, but the Mission President assigns all the couples to the ward at GB for ecclesiastical oversight, then encourages us to attend other wards from time to time.

The Pentecostal Church across the street plays loud music for hours during the LDS meetings.

The Sister in green stands next to her husband who is a friend of the Church. We had a pleasant conversation. I agreed to come from time to time to hear of his progress -- very kind people.

Standing at the gate entrance to the Chapel.

Carrying momma's purse, diligently.

The Stake Patriarch on the left. He is a "pioneer" having been baptized the year after the Church first met in Zaire, now the DRC. We plan to meet and record his memories.

Panorama of Kinshasa from the President's apartment balcony.

Zoom photo of the cemetery from the balcony of the President's apartment.

Kinshasa from the balcony of the President's apartment.

Table set for feast with Elder and Sister Cook and the senior missionary couples.

In the kitchen in the President's apartment.

All at table.

First rain following dry season.

Zone meeting with Elder Cook and President Cook standing, group activity.

Elder Cook teaching.

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