Saturday, September 21, 2013


Graduates singing. Sister Gates arranged and choreographed the chorus.

Elder Gates and his translator Dadi addressing the audience. His love for the graduates was obvious.

Eric Von Hauvermat, director of construction for Temporal Affairs addressing the audience.

The Gates showing their joy at the graduation. During the break between classes they flew home for her father's 90th birthday. While at home their son-in-law died in an automobile accident. They hope to return once their daughter is settled.

Tools that will be given to graduates.

A happy graduate with certificate.

Another graduate with Elder Gates.

The only woman in the program.

Graduates with Thierry Mutombo, Stake President, in the center.

A meal is served.

None of us can resist the babies, one of the graduate's daughter. The Gates have African adopted grandchildren at home.

Serving the sandwiches.

Everyone had plenty and to spare, shared with the guards at our apartment building.

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