Monday, October 21, 2013


First Baptism that we have attended in Kinshasa. Three were baptized, two men and one woman. Elder Sneddon and I were asked to be witnesses.

After the baptism a storm blew in.

A few months ago two tobacco plants were growing in a pot in the parking lot. When they went to seed I gathered and tried to sprout then in a cup of dirt without success, so I threw the dirt in one of my pots. A short time ago this large leaf plant began growing rapidly and voila, tobacco. 

The fig tree leaves are yellowing preparing to fall I believe. At the same time these white flowers showed up on the little stems that sprout from the tree everywhere, and little green figs are growing on the ends of the stems.

Here is a longer view of the flowering fig stems.

The fig getting ready to shed its leaves. This will be the third time this has happened since we have been here.

Man in orange suit, stylin'.

Man in Orange, redux.

The devotional today.


Robot traffic cop.

1 comment:

Julie Markham said...

We desperately need a Robo-cop somewhere in Provo.