Monday, April 1, 2013


Easter Dinner at our place, after a wonderful Easter Sacrament meeting. L-R Smiths, Moons, Jamesons, Bybees -- Sister Billings was ill and they did not attend, but we took them food. We had leg of lamb, cooked to perfection until it fell off the bones, fruit/lettuce salad, roasted potatoes, gravy, vegetable medley,  deviled eggs, and three desserts. Sue made a bread fruit custard, Sister Smith brought a commercial chocolate cake (laced with liquer I was told, but did not taste) and a chocolate custard that I was told tasted very good. Elder Moon spoke and sang a song in his tenor voice in Sacrament meeting. The ward choir sang; a sister spoke, and the Bishop closed the program with a powerful  testimony, translated into English for the Anglophones.

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