Monday, March 25, 2013

Entrance to Our Building

Emmanuel, Sean, Mbuyi, at the entrance to our parking area. In the background you can see two guards, the  steel pylons marking the entry driveway, at an angle. Behind Emmanuel, in the wall the grey, steel, sliding door through which we enter is visible. Inside there is a steel lift barrier similar to a railroad bar. We stop, turn off the engine, release the hood, and wait while security guards use a mirror on a handle to survey under the car, then lift the hood to inspect for bombs. When they are done, they blow a whistle or sometimes clap their hands, then the metal bar similar to a railroad crossing bar, except this one is coiled with razor wire, is raised so we can proceed. Leaving the compound through a separate steel door is preceded by a lift barrier bar, from the other side of the compound.

The mission truck leaves revealing the Banyan at the entrance to our compound. I show it because all day there are people gathered under the banyan on the stools, and on handicap tricycles, cooking, selling, talking, who knows what they do all day. The tree serves as a urinal, place to hang things, sometimes a waste basket.

Below, Sean getting ready to board the Jeffery Travels shuttle for the airport.
This is the entrance to the Catholic School compound to the right.

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