Friday, November 1, 2013


Menuisier where we bought wood for the bed frame to hang the mosquito net. We also were able to get a small amount of glue to replace a drawer face that detached.

Inside the wood shop.

The gift pottery pitcher from a family to the Wheatleys at their departure.

Filling the cistern.

Another view of the cistern

A surprised Elder Brockbank early morning to pick up elders for transfers.

Elder's apartment.....

No commentary....


Porte derobée into the bedrooms.

Elder Mukadi getting ready to depart for Kinshasa.

Elder Wheatley changing propane bottles for the elders who had lost their wrench.

Elder Mukadi in the truck.

Elder Lavering and Elder Mukadi and Elder Brockbank at the airport.

On the way to the check-in area.

The hidden door.

Open hidden door.

Mosquito net in the an apartment.

Getting ready for District Meeting.


Electrician building an automatic relay to turn on and off the generator when city power fails. The box was built by a carpenter so they didn't have to buy a steel one. I asked how he had learned to do this and he replied he had taken courses and studied it out. He must know his trade because it looks very orderly and well made.

Why not?

"Store" run by the wife of a member that we visited. Often we see these little business ventures in front of people's yards.

Visiting a member at home.

The member's father and mother. He is retired military.

The member is in the US learning English. His wife and daughter are here. The Wheatleys came to take pictures to send to the member/father. The wife is not a member because of what she has seen on the web and friends have told her. The missionaries are working on that.

Wife and baby, and her parents.

The top of the home in the distance is where a wealthy Church member lives. He owns many pharmacies.

The front of he wealthy member's house from the car as we drove by.

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