Sunday, October 13, 2013


Stephen and Freddie, brothers. Both born in the US, citizens, speak good English. The family's home is in Kinshasa.

Caterer setting up the dinner serving tables.

Cutting wood to make shims to secure plastic table legs in the brackets, multi-tasking on the cell phone.

View of the yard/

Dinner getting closer to being served.

Drinks served by brother Balibuno. He fled to South Africa in the 90s during the Crisis. Ended up living with missionaries. He was hired by the Mission President to teach missionaries French to serve in Francophone areas. The President spoke French and befriended Bernard, resulting in his conversion. The President later sponsored him for attending BYU H, then BYU, ending up with a Master's degree in Public Administration and Health. He worked for Georgetown University for seven years, now is director for Caritas, a British funded humanitarian organization.

Leaf wrapped, roasted, Capitaine fish inside.

Sanglier (wild boar)

Manioc leaves.

Plantain puree.

Chicken in sauce?


Frog legs.


Wild egg plant and smoked fish. I didn't try this.

The guests arrive. Sneddons center,and Elder Moon facing the camera.

Bishop Aime Ngoy and wife center. Eric VanHauvermat right.

Ready to serve, almost.

Sister Ngoy.

Palms along the protective wall, on the outside.

Sue's plate.

My plate.