Saturday, July 20, 2013


Walking toward the open air theater for the symphony concert. The history museum in the background.

We walked past the statue of King Leopold of Belgium who ruled the Congo as his private domain until forced to cede it to the state because of abuses.

Stanley, the intrepid Congo River explorer whose trading station located on this hill overlooking the river in Kinshasa.

At the tree lined entrance way to the theatre. Buy your popcorn and drinks at the right.

We were there.

The Mormon contingent. We arrived an hour early, for a concert that started an hour late, this is Africa after all.

We enjoyed the rehearsal prior to the concert.

Waiting. Some read, some....


From my seat.

A good crowd arrived for the show.

The end. The concert was sponsored by the French and German Embassies to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Elysee Treaty which officially established peace between the two countries. The French Ambassador was unable to attend, the German Ambassador, speaking passable French, dedicated the evening to them both. A combined orchestra made up of part of the Kimganguist Symphony and Cologne Symphony. It was a wonderful night of Mozart and Beethoven. We were out late though, arriving back at the apartment a minute before 22h00.

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