Thursday, June 6, 2013


Olivier Tshimanga and his family. His wife far left, his mother, two relatives, Olivier, and two children.

Olivier's son.

Olivier's daughter.

Frank Cuyper who gave me his insect collecting equipment. The net is to the left, the bags contain killing jars, an ultra violet lamp, some metal and wooden boxes and mothballs, and a cardboard museum box the size of a cigar box full of butterflies and beetles, and some butterfly envelopes. He lectured me on not having a pair of tweezers, but didn't give me any. He made the net. Frank has collected thousands of specimens in Africa for over thirty years. He retires the end of July after twenty-seven years of dentistry here in Kinshasa. He began in Rwanda many years ago. We met on the walking trail by the river. His sixth floor apartment overlooks the river and across to Brazzaville, and lovely tree filled grounds below, and a new villa under construction for a high government official. His wife was away on errands.

1 comment:

Julie Markham said...

I just caught up on your blog posts. Looks like Sister Bybee is having a marvelous time! I'm glad you are making new friends and enjoying the food!!